Buluguda in Red
“Buluguda in Red” by Chris.D (canvas 1000 x 1500)
Warning and Disclaimer: The Artist assumes no responsibility for any damages. View at your own risk!
Due to sensitive subject matter, 15+ is advised to view this painting in full context.
When I was a child, words were spoken to me of a day of blood for our Yamatji ‘Aboriginal’ People, when a mass murder occurred in the time of my Great Great Grandparents.
At the tripoint within the region now known as Shark Bay, where the Yamatji’s of the connected tribes had met for 5000 years for ceremonial responsibilities and family obligations, the newly arrived ‘White Man’ grew weary of contending with them congregating on the Land they coveted.
Contention escalated to the point of many Yamatji People being murdered or stolen, with one specific day soaked in Red. A day now remembered by the the bones that remain amongst the trees and shrubs, even those of infants; and also remembered by the genetics within generations that now remain due to the sexual depravity that was introduced and forced upon the young Yamatji girls that are now the past ancestral grandmothers.
- Chris D.
- When words do not align with thoughts and actions. Those that speak of God and claim to bring Good Word to the “uncivilised” yet think like the Devil and act upon such thoughts as the opportunists they are. When men are only as Correct as the immediate accountability that they are held to, but succumb to their wicked desires otherwise.
- Chris D.
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